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Mystery Complete

Who needs trees?

Unscramble the letters!

We’ve found animals hiding in trees, sleeping in trees, building nests in trees, and more. But who needs trees the most?

Unscramble the letters to solve the Mystery of the Trees…

You solved it!

The answer is EVERYONE.

hands hugging treeEVERYONE needs trees! Even people!

  • We need them to breathe. Trees provide life-giving oxygen.
  • Trees filter pollution and keep our waterways clean.
  • Their shade is great on a hot summer day. Trees help cool the Earth and remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere.
  • They’re fun to climb, and what’s a treehouse without a tree?!
  • Trees provide gathering places and improve our community’s quality of life.
  • Trees makes us healthier and happier.

Tree Fun

Learn and do more.

Tell a friend what you love about trees!

Then learn more about trees and wild things with our Nature at Home activities.

Thanks for visiting the Zoo and solving our Mystery!